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Laurent Le Guyader

French Tech Taiwan Coordinator 代表

之前梁洛杭博士被任命為Biowin中國國際關係總監,從那時起,他成功地協助一些歐洲的中小企業與中國伙伴合作。他現在是為French Tech Taiwan Coordinator,協助台法雙方之技術的合作機會。他的任務重點在推廣與支持台灣與法國的創新技術(French Tech Taiwan),使法國成為在歐洲最佳的台灣企業家培育搖籃。

Previously, Dr Le Guyader was Director of International Relations at BioWin in Shanghai (China). He is now French Tech Taiwan Coordinator to help both sides to identify the collaboration potential in technology. His mission focuses on promoting and supporting French innovation (French Tech Taiwan) and to position France as the best European partner for Taiwanese entrepreneurs. In 2007 he received his Ph.D. in Biophysics from Toulouse University III. 


田中章雄 / Akio Tanaka

Infinity Venture Partners Co-Founder共同創辦人

田中章雄是Infinity Venture Partners的共同創辦人,Infinity Venture Partners是一間致力於在日本及中國地區針對早期投資的創投機構。他也曾擔任全球知名軟體公司Adobe Systems創投部門總監一職。更早期在Macromedia HQ擔任CEO顧問與Macromedia Japan技術長。田中章雄畢業於英屬哥倫比亞大學碩士學位。

Akio (田中章雄) is a co-founder and managing partner at Infinity Venture Partners, an early stage VC fund focused on consumer Internet companies in China and Japan. He is the former director of the venture investment program at Adobe Systems Inc., a leading global software company. Previously, he held the positions of CEO advisor at Macromedia HQ and CTO at Macromedia Japan. Akio holds a Master's degree from the University of British Columbia, Canada.


Jeffrey Paine

Golden Gate Ventures Founding Partner / 合夥創辦人

Jeffrey Paine是Golden Gate Ventures的合夥創辦人,公司位於新加坡,專門提供早期資金給東南亞的新創科技公司。Jeffrey將「創業家學院」導入新加坡,還負責營運管理並推廣到東南亞與日本。自2010年起,已經有超過70間新創公司陸續畢業於新加坡的「創業家學院」。他曾榮獲2012年創業家學院全球(新加坡)「最具影響力生態體系」總監獎。Jeffrey目前身兼多間公司的投資人與顧問,包括Redmart、、Tradegecko、Coda Payments、Ayannah、PopApp、Waygo 、Noonswoon、Lenddo、旋轉拍賣、Spotnews、、Vibease、PT Bilna、Angellist、、、Darma、雪梨種子基金、中國加速器以及智利創投等。Jeffrey 生長於新加坡,擁有美國南加州大學企業管理(資訊系統)學士學位。

Jeffrey Paine is the founding partner of Golden Gate Ventures, an early stage technology venture capital fund based in Singapore investing in Southeast Asia. Jeff started and manages the Founder Institute in Singapore where he is currently overseeing its expansion in Southeast Asia, and Japan. Since 2010 the Founder Institute in Singapore has graduated over 70 companies. He is a recipient of the Founder Institute Director Award 2012 for "Greatest Ecosystem Impact" Worldwide (Singapore). He is currently an investor/advisor to Redmart,, Tradegecko, Coda Payments, Ayannah, PopApp, Waygo, Noonswoon, Lenddo, Carousell, Spotnews,, Vibease, PT Bilna, Angellist,,, Darma, Sydney Seed Fund, China Axlr8r, and Startup Chile. He is a Singapore native and graduated with a Bachelors of Business Administration (Information Systems) from the University of Southern California in Los Angeles.