I run a startup business and would like to sign up for Speed Dating, how should I apply?
1. Please fill out the online registration form, and the organizer will notify the results through e-mail by July 26 (Fri.)
2. For BP drafting, please refer to (Suggestions for PITCH Briefing)
What are the results of the matchup of previous years?
In 2023, 36 startups and 32 investors participated speed dating, and 6 startups received investment afterwards, such as PopChill (invested by AVA Angels and Darwin Angel Investment) and OTSO Fintech (invested by AVA Angels).
In 2022, 37 startups and 40 investors participated speed dating, and 4 startups received investment afterwards, such as TAC Dynamics (invested by Taiwania Capital Management Corporation) and Ohmplus Technologies Inc..
In 2021, 40 startups and investors participated speed dating, and 8 startups received investment afterwards, such as Conflux Yacht International (invested by AVA angels) and PetaRay Inc..
In 2020, 30 startups and investors participated speed dating, and 4 startups received investment afterwards, such as Slasify (invested by Sparklabs Taipei)
In 2019, 30 startups and investors participated speed dating, and 10 startups received investment afterwards, such as Cocomelody.
In 2018, 41 startups and 28 investors participated speed dating, and 6 startups win the attention from the investors. They received investment in 2018 and 2019, such as VIASWEAT CO., LTD..
In 2017, 49 startups and 33 investors participated speed dating, and 7 startups received investment afterwards, such as Healthy Living Biotechnology co.
40 startups and 26 investors participated speed dating, and 8 startups win the attention from the investors. They received investment in 2016 and 2017, listed as follows:
1. Cubexus raised NT$1 million funding from SparkLabs. (2016.10)
2. The News Lens received their US$2-3 million B round funding led by WISKEY Capital and Trinity Investment Corporation. (2017.3)
3. FunNow gained US$ 1.5M Pre-A round funding led by China Development Financial. (2017.6)

Sign up! And you will be very likely to get your business funded!
How will the selections be made?
Assessment of application will be made by the group of consultants. The consultant group will provide their advices for the appliers. The result will be sent via email by July 26 (Fri.) whether you are selected or not.
After being selected, how many investors/ investment companies can I meet up with?
1. Investors and startups will receive a handbook with both sides' profiles by July 29(Mon.)..
2. When filling out the matchup form, please select more than 5 investment companies/ investors that you're interested in to ensure a more ideal matchup result.
3. Please send the matchup form back to the organizer before August 4(Sun.).
4. Please be noted that once the matchup form is sent, no change is allowed to be made.
After filling out in the matchup form, how will the matchup be arranged?
1. On receiving matchup forms from investors and startups, the organizer will arrange matchups based on the preference of both sides. The organizer will first prioritize matchups that both the investor and the startup are interested in meeting up with each other, and then the preference of investors as well as startups.
2. If a startup fails to complete matchup form before deadline or selected less than 5 investment companies/ investors, the organizer will arrange matchup based on the startup's business characteristics, investor's preference, and investor's profile (e.g. fields of investment, investment stage...etc.).
Will we have matchups with the investors exactly the same as that we filled in on the matchup form?
Not necessarily. The preference of investors is very likely to be different from that of startups; therefore, the organizer will serve as the mediator to help balance two sides' preferences.
When will the matchup results be announced?
The matchup results will be sent on August 13 (Tue.) via e-mail, so please check your mailbox frequently! However, the matchup rounds is arranged based on the preference of both sides, and thus we cannot promise the times you meet. Thanks for your understanding.
10 minutes is just too short; is there any other chance for further interaction?
There will be a 60-minute networking for exchange after Speed Dating, startup teams can interact with investment institutions/ investors that they're interested in but didn't get the chance to match up with during this break.